Tuesday 4 November 2014

Exciting things..

Hi guys,
so as some of you may know my Youtube video is up now - it is a vlog of my holiday to Ibiza- I must admit that its not as great as some well known youtubers- but then again it is my first video and hopefully I will be able to improve my skills. I'm not sure if you guys want me to do this so if you do please comment and tell me because even if I did this for one of you guys it would be so inspiring for me and definitely help my confidence.


What have you guys been up to? I hope you guys have been doing good...

this blog means a lot to me I think it boosts my confidence every time you guys comment on a blog, every view that I get,  I get a bit emotional when I think that you guys actually care to view my blog posts, it makes me so happy. I hope that I can make you as happy as you make me, if there is any chance that I can cheer you up or improve your happiness then just ask me because I wouldn't hesitate to help what I consider one of my friends :)
I hoe you guys liked this post
lots of love,
Erin xoxox

Sunday 19 October 2014


Hi guys!
I am back from Ibiza!
I had such a great time and it was so nice to just relax for a week rather than panicking about school or working. If you guys are on holiday I hope that you are having a good time.
As some of you guys know I announced that I am starting my own Youtube channel, also called Erindaily. This is really nerve wrecking for me- I'm really unsure what you guys are going to think and I am just hoping that you like it and that you are going to be supportive. My first video is going to be a vlog of my holiday- it should be up within the next week or so, I will obviously tell you guys when it is up and I hope you go and watch and enjoy it. This video is basically the test of whether or not I'm going to do anymore videos, so if you like it please comment of give it a thumbs up.
Anyway, I thought I might show you guys some pictures from my trip to Ibiza,

This picture is of me when we went on a water taxi to San Antonio which was so much fun- we loved it so much that we went on it 3 times!

This is the view from part of our hotel at night, I just thought it was too pretty not to take a picture.

This is from the parrot show that happened at the hotel and then we could take pictures- the entertainment was great!

These 2 pictures are from the part of the journey where we unfortunately had to leave Ibiza- the first one is on the bus on the way to the airport and the second is from the plane :)

I hoped you liked this little update post and I hope you guys will support me in this scary step for me,
Lots of love
Erin xoxox

Wednesday 8 October 2014


Hey guys!

so today I went to my first uni open day today and I thought I might tell you guys about it.

So I wen to the Robert Gordon University open day and I have to admit that I did have a few preconceptions going in to Uni but I think this definitely opened up my eyes.

I thought I wanted to go to one specific uni but after going there I don’t know where I want to go, RGU sounds appealing but so do many other Uni’s in Scotland.

The pressure of choosing what you want to do after you leave high school is so hard! I have had a few ideas…. Psychology and Primary Education… Do you guys struggle with these decisions too??? - if you are at an appropriate age of course!

There are so many things that I could do with my life, Social sciences sounds okay seeing as it can lead on to quite a lot of jobs in the future and I can always do a masters after as a postgraduate course.. I DON’T KNOW!?!?!?!?!!?! There are so many decisions to make, where do i study?what do I study?.. These are just a few of the major decisions I am struggling to make recently. High school seem to be very pushy for us to make decisions about what we want to do!

If you guys are going through the same struggles that I am the piece of advice for you guys is to not panic, keep your options open unless you are DEFINITE  about what you want to do and be open about what university you want to go to. Any advice you guys have????

Lots of love

Erin xoxox

Monday 6 October 2014

The struggle is real!

Hey guys!
So today I have really felt my sleep deprivation kick in - I am SOOO tired!
But because of school and work and revision I can't take a tiny nap!!
I have. A it human biology test tommorow and I have been revising for that since I got home from work at 5. Wow, school is so tiring when you get to a certain point in your educational lifetime (this sounded smart YAY!)
Does anyone else feel like this? I almost feel asleep in English today 3 times!!
Oh well I did what I was supposed to do anyway- if you guys are like me I would suggest going to bed a lot earlier..... And trying to minimise stress levels within and out of school.
Sorry if this is a bit of a short blog for you guys but I wanted to out something up for you guys
Please comment and I will be sure to reply!
Lots of love
Erin xoxox

Sunday 5 October 2014


Hi guys!
So one of my hobbies is Taekwondo,
I have done martial arts since I was 5 but I started Taekwondo when I was 10 (when I moved back up to Scotland). In March in this year I managed to get my black belt which was such a surreal feeling after working for 5 years for it.
I apologise for the horrific photo- I had just done my grading ;)

Martial arts has become the norm for me because of how long I have done it, I'm not sure if that's a good things but I suppose it is helping me with a few things.
Having the knowledge that I can defend myself definitely makes me feel a bit safer when I'm by myself.
Another reason I love it is because I know that I can keep myself controlled a bit of the time.
If you guys don't have any hobbies I definitely recommend any sort of martial arts it kind of makes me eel a bit safer- that may be a bit ironic since you go to classes to fight with people in which you may get hurt but it definitely makes you feel safer outside of the dojang.
I think it has been proven that martial arts help you to focus and calm yourself done in stressful situations- so if you are in school when you are around that exam period I would definitely suggest going to classes :)
I thought this might be a nice post to share about and I hope that you guys enjoy it and please tell me what your hobbies are in the comments!
Lots of love,
Erin xoxox

Saturday 4 October 2014

School and struggles

Hi guys!
So when i moved from primary school to high school I had the ideal idea that I would stay with the friends I had made then but I reality that didn't happen. During that period of time Im pretty sure people struggle with finding your place. I'm not sure about you guys but I find in my school there are very distinct cliques in my school and I suppose at the start of my high school experience I really didn't fit in to any other - but I would say to you guys don't worry if you are going to college or high school or university- you will make friends they just might be different to the people who you originally thought.
Of course high school is such a hard time with hormones and friends and relationships but I guarantee you guys can get through it- whenever I'm having a tough time at school I just need to think about getting through it and if there was two pieces of advice is like give to you guys it would be
1) keep a positive attitude as much as possible and
2) speak to someone if you are going through a tough time - it could be a close friend it could be a family member but just don't let it build up and then it resulting in you having a break down - because I have been through that and it's not great!
School isn't easy and I think that is almost a given but with the right support system I know anyone can get through it :)
Sorry for the cheesy pep talk but I thiught it might be nice to talk about something that is quite relevant in my life and something that is relevant to a huge percentage of the populations lives too :)
Lots of love
Erin xoxox

Friday 3 October 2014

Stress and Youtube

Hi guys! 
So today has just been one of those days...
As soon as I got home I feel asleep for an hour and a half and then I had a yummy Chinese takeaway! 
After that I just felt useless - I'm a very fidgety person when im not tired so I decided to go for a walk by myself. 
I think this is such a therapeutic way to just relax or think about things that are important and just have some 'me' time. If any of you guys ever feel stressed I definetly recommend it! Even if it's just a five minute walk about your street. 
I have also discovered a new love for podcasts - I find if you listen to them in bed or whilst your in the bath then it's a nice way to r lad but have still something going on. 
If you are like me and you can't really do just one thing unless you are tired I think that podcasts are the way for you to get your 'destressing' time :) 
Recently I have been having quite a stressful time in school as my homework load has just piled up and tests have become more common - it really takes it out of you! I've got out of the habit of using th shower and am using baths just to try to relax more. If you guys are feeling stressed take a bath and everything seems at least 60% less stressful- TRUST ME!! :) 
If you have read my previous blogs you will notice in one I said I didn't want to start youtube and yet I've decided to launch a channel.. 
Recently I have just thought that videoing some of my life might be a nice way to spend my time and express myself and I hope you guys respect and support that. Although I am quite nervous I just hope you guys will like the videos :) I will still be blogging for you guys but occasionally I will be posting videos on my channel. 
I'm starting this for myself and for you guys (most importantly) I just want you guys to enjoy watching the videos- please take in to account I have just started to make these so I am not an expert in editing and filming - I bought that at the start I will be using my iPhone and then if enough people are enjoying what I am doing the. I will hopefully get a new vlogging camera so at first please don't judge it by the quality and just focus on the content I promise eventually I will have the right equipment to work with and the right blogging technique. 

I hope you guys will like everything and if any of you are feeling stressed you will take a tip from me and try to relax,
I love you guys lots,
Erin xoxox